In the Press
Media coverage of BullionVault

Nikkei Business: Is Brexit a Good or Bad Decision?

LONDON, 22 June 2016 – Nikkei Business, the leading Japanese business magazine, today publishes comments from an interview with Paul Tustain, founder and CEO of BullionVault, discussing his desire for a Brexit result in the upcoming UK referendum on EU membership.

"Vote leave, for democracy," says Paul, saying that the discussion over Brexit has been "short-sighted".

"Luckily in the UK, democracy is still working," he goes on, saying that British voters can get rid of their elected representatives at the nation's regular votes.

"We can't do this in the EU system," he says of the European Commission.

"If we stay, the UK does not have its future within our hands."

Subscribers to Nikkei Business will find the full article here:


Nikkei Business