In the Press
Media coverage of BullionVault

LBMA: The Gold Market's Dirty Laundry

LONDON, 2 March 2021 – BullionVault is a contributor today to the special 100th edition of The Alchemist, the gold-market magazine for members of the London Bullion Market Association.

"Although produced primarily for its membership around the world, The Alchemist has always opened up its pages to external voices and views," writes director of research Adrian Ash.

That has included controversy and argument, he says, not least around tracking and reporting key data, with a risk that – as one analyst put in 1997 – gold has risked becoming "a market showing its underwear in public."

Read Adrian's review of The Alchemist's past 25 years, plus lots more commemorative analysis from fellow LBMA members, at the Association's site here:

Never knowingly undersold!

The LBMA's Alchemist