Gold News

Opinion & Analysis

06 Sep '24
Great news gold bugs! The 'pet rock' returns...
07 Aug '24
Black-n-Blue Monday repeats gold price history so far...
11 Jul '24
How can bullion prices be rising if no-one is buying...?
04 Jul '24
Whoever wins the UK election, voters keep backing gold...
03 Jul '24 Gold Forecast $2538 for New Year 2025 Adrian Ash
26 Jun '24 All the Gold in China, Again Adrian Ash
18 Jun '24 Gold ATMs Return, Gangnam Style Adrian Ash
06 Jun '24 Silver: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Adrian Ash
02 May '24 Those Bank of England Gold Sales, 25 Years After the 'End of History' Adrian Ash
18 Apr '24 $2400: Gold's Tulip Moment? Adrian Ash
12 Apr '24 Costco, China and $2400 Gold Adrian Ash
27 Mar '24 Japan's $1.5 Trillion Pension Fund Lesson for Gold investing Adrian Ash
08 Mar '24 Blow-Off Top in Gold? Price Hits New Record High 5 Days Running Adrian Ash
07 Mar '24 Female First-Time Gold Investors +116% Since Covid Adrian Ash
22 Feb '24 Central Banking's Evil Led Zeppelin Thing Adrian Ash
04 Feb '24 Correlation Breakdown x 3 in Gold Adrian Ash
23 Jan '24 Gold's Correlation with US Federal Debt Adrian Ash
12 Jan '24 Bitcoin ETFs: When Moon? Not Soon, Says Gold Adrian Ash
20 Dec '23 2024 Forecasts: Gold Price $2342, Silver $29 Adrian Ash
18 Dec '23 Gold Prices and the 'Second Coming' of Donald Trump Adrian Ash
30 Nov '23 Gold, Silver and 2024 Fed Rate Cut Forecasts Adrian Ash
31 Oct '23 $2000 Gold: This Time for Real? Adrian Ash
26 Oct '23 Gold at LBMA 2023: High, Quality, Liquid Adrian Ash
25 Sep '23 China Gold Price Hits $2000 Adrian Ash
17 Sep '23 Gold Investing: How Much Is Too Much? Adrian Ash
01 Sep '23 Humblebrags and Humiliation at the ECB Adrian Ash
26 Jul '23 Gold Investing H2 2023: Our Survey Said... Adrian Ash
13 Jul '23 Copper, Silver and the Green Energy Metals Shortage Adrian Ash
07 Jul '23 Gold's Big Price Crash, 10 Year On Adrian Ash

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