Gold News

Golden Moments on the Silver Screen

A reminder of some classic movies featuring gold that are well worth rewatching…

AT this time of year there are few things more comforting than settling down to watch a great film. Our latest infographic reminds us of some of the most memorable golden moments in film, dating back to The Maltese Falcon in 1941, right up to 2013’s The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. 
Gold can be central to a film’s plot, often forming an object of desire that the main characters are hunting for, as is the case in Three Kings and Kelly’s Heroes. While in films such as Goldfinger, gold has a much more sinister role, as Oddjob uses gold paint to cover an unconscious Jill Masterson, ultimately leading to her death.
The infographic also explores little known trivia regarding these films, uncovering some behind the scenes secrets, including that the chocolate river featured in Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory was in fact made from chocolate, mixed with water and cream, which by the end of filming caused the set to smell terrible. Plus, if you’ve ever been Warner Brothers Studios where they filmed Harry Potter it won’t surprise you to find out that 210,000 golden coins were made for the Gringotts vault scene. 
Take a look at the infographic below and remind yourself of some of the most iconic golden moments on the silver screen.
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<a title="Golden Moments On The Silver Screen" href=""><img src="" alt="Golden movie moments infographic" width="960" border="0" /></a><br>From: <a href="">BullionVault</a>


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