Gold News

Most valuable substances by weight

While gold is undoubtedly one of the most traded substances on earth, it also happens to be one of the most valuable substances by weight. Although prices fluctuate, one gram of gold will cost you on average around £22.70. This got us thinking about how much other primarily naturally occurring substances out there cost. 
Our new infographic explores how much you would pay for a gram of everything from saffron, widely recognised as the world’s most expensive spice, to platinum and rhodium. While the market for these goods can’t match the sizeable gold market, whose depth and liquidity is unparalleled, the trading prices of these substances can widely surpass that of gold; though like gold, the prices of these substances are subject to fluctuations. Take a look at the infographic below to see just how much a gram of Iranian Beluga caviar would set you back, and how much you should expect to pay for the radioactive chemical plutonium.
Most Valuable Substances By Weight

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<a title="Most Valuable Substances By Weight Infographic" href=""><img src="" alt="Most Valuable Substances Infographic" width="960" border="0" /></a><br>From: <a href="">BullionVault</a>


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