Gold News

Where to Find the World's Greatest Treasures

A treasure map of where to find the world’s biggest gold and silver treasures...
NEWS SEEMS to break every week of some lucky person unearthing a small fortune in gold or silver, whether buried a long time ago or hidden more recently. These days there really is no need to risk someone else stumbling onto your precious metals treasure. For a small fee BullionVault will bury your gold or silver safely inside one of the world’s most secure storage facilities, fully insured and ready for you to sell at any time of day or night.
But there are also plenty of other treasures still out there that haven’t been found, such as Forrest Fenn’s Treasure Chest, which he hid in the Rocky Mountains in 1988 after he was diagnosed with cancer. Perhaps you fancy your chances of searching the Cocos Island in Costa Rica to find The Treasure of Lima? Or maybe scouring the Taiwan Strait for the Awa Maru Treasure? Our latest infographic also documents the biggest treasure hoards ever found to date, as well as some still out there for the finding. Take a look below to learn more about these famous hidden treasures around the world.
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<a title="Where to find the world's greatest treasures" href=""><img src="" alt="Treasure map infographic" width="960" border="0" /></a><br>From: <a href="">BullionVault</a>


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