The Gospel of St.Mark
"Mark Carney, the new governor of the Bank of England, could hardly have timed his arrival better. Even before he launched his bid to revive the UK economy, following years of little or no growth, data signalled that the recovery is gaining momentum without his help."
- Claire Jones and Sarah O'Connor, who evidently need to be hosed down with cold water, in "Carney 'very excited', makes early start at auspicious time", Financial Times , 2nd July 2013
"Everyone loves an early inflation...Everyone benefits, and no one pays. In the later inflation, on the other hand, the effects are all bad [and] in the terminal inflation, there is faltering prosperity, tightness of money, falling stock prices, rising taxes, still larger government deficits, and still soaring money expansion, now accompanied by soaring prices and the ineffectiveness of all traditional remedies. Everyone pays and no longer benefits."
- Jens Parsson, Dying of Money (1974)
" up, rebuked the wind, and said to the waves, 'Quiet! Be still!' Then the wind died down and it was completely calm. Apart from a bit of a bubble in the domestic Canadian property market. And he said to his disciples, 'Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?' And they were terrified and they asked each other, 'Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!'..."
"Canada has done more than survive this financial crisis. The country is positively thriving in it. Canadian banks are well capitalised and poised to take advantage of opportunities that American and European banks cannot seize."
"The most detailed knowledge of the actual trade of a country, combined with the profound Science in all the principles of Money and circulation, would not enable any man or set of men to adjust, and keep always adjusted, the right proportion of circulating medium in a country to the wants of trade."